Kyle Rittenhouse Found Not Guilty On All Counts

No consequences for killers

Chris Zappa
1 min readNov 19, 2021


Photo by Pitiphothivichit on Canva

Not guilty.

Moments ago, the jury in the Kyle Rittenhouse murder trial returned a verdict of not-guilty on all charged counts.

Maybe we shouldn’t be surprised, but I have to admit that I am. At least a little.

Some part of me, albeit very small, thought that Vigilante Jr. would have to face some consequence for his actions. Something. I mean, two people are dead. Some price must be paid, right?


This is America where our guns are our gods.

We worship at the alter of the Second Amendment.

We hold nothing in higher regard, nothing more sacred, than our right to carry weapons of war intended for no other purpose than to maim and kill at scale.

If nothing changed with regard to gun laws in this country after Sandy Hook, nothing was ever going to. Today’s verdict was just the latest in a long list of miscarriages of justice where killers, and their right to kill, are protected, and innocent lives mean nothing.

Good luck, America.

You’re going to need it.

